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State of Civil Rights in New Jersey
President Richard T. Smith’s Address to the 2021 NJSC NAACP Annual Convention
We must no longer be accepting of the things we cannot change, but rather have the mindset that we are going to change the things we cannot accept. Protest peacefully my brothers and sisters. Demand persistently. Fight politically.
The state of civil rights in New Jersey is strong. Do your part. DO YOUR PART and make it stronger.
September 18, 2021
Police Experience Survey
The Police Experience Survey, which is anonymous, will provide an up-to-date more accurate account of the relations between residents and their police departments. The survey addresses representation, funding for emergency alternatives …
Take the Police Experince Survey
September 1, 2021
Mount Laurel’s racist past goes beyond discriminatory housing | Opinion
Mount Laurel flew into national headlines recently as a video of a white man verbally assaulting his African American neighbors went viral …
August 4, 2021
Atlantic City to host 113th NAACP National Convention in 2022
The 113th national convention is expected to bring $7 million in economic benefit to the resort during the height of summer. The NAACP convention attracts about 4,000 attendees annually.
July 28, 2021
Dr. Tiffani A. Worthy, Mayor of the Township of Willingboro, along with the Township Council issues proclamation
… to the Willingboro & Vicinity NAACP Branch for their commitment to social equality and the education of community members of their rights and for their dedication to social reform …
March 25, 2021
The New Jersey State Conference NAACP is tremendously fortunate and grateful for the exceptional leadership by the many women in our organization. In March of 2021 our statewide W.I.N. Committee (Women In NAACP), chaired by Gloucester County NAACP Branch President Loretta Winters, decided to honor the women of the New Jersey NAACP in leadership positions. The posts were shared on the organization’s Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages, receiving likes and shares from organizations and other branches along the east coast and beyond.